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Pandemic EBT Program

Updated: Dec 31, 2020

Please find attached information about the P-EBT program. It is important to note Every single NYC public school student, ages 2-21, regardless of income or immigration status will receive P-EBT. Community Food Advocates is hosting a webinar to share information about the rollout of the Pandemic EBT plan in NYC on May 27th, 2020 at 4:30PM. You can register for the Webinar by Clicking Here to Register or going to and go to COVID-19 Updates.

Student holding a school lunch tray

What is Pandemic EBT (P-EBT)?

P-EBT is a program for families to buy food while students are learning from home. In NYC, every single public school student will receive $420. Students in charter and parochial schools will receive P-EBT if their school participates in the federal school lunch program

Can my child get P-EBT?

Every single NYC public school student, ages 2-21, regardless of income or immigration status will receive P-EBT. Benefits will be issued automatically. There is no application or documentation required and it does not affect eligibility for other benefits or public charge status.

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